Tuesday, May 19, 2015

We've Moved!

Alas, we had to say goodbye to good ole Florida and move back to my home state of North Carolina! Not such a bad trade-off, but still sad to leave all of my friends, and my home, and everything that was my life...
Everyone has been adjusting well and taking everything in stride. But I've been stagnant too long. It is time to refocus my creativity!

I am happily starting up my sewing and design business again. Just needed that break to take care of a few family matters, but now I am in full swing again.

Please contact me at suzylevi1@hotmail.com to get started on your custom designed tote bag, apron, quilt or whatever else we can dream up.

Friday, February 15, 2013


Yes, I need to come clean... I am officially a homeschooler. I am not a tree-hugging freak with unshaven arm pits. I am not a Bible-thumping lunatic either. I am just concerned about my son's life and want to give him the best possible start.
He deals with ADHD on a daily basis - and although the meds work wonders, I don't like the way he acts when he is on them. He gets super emotional and seems overly sensitive to everything. And when he takes the meds - he doesn't eat. Now, for some kids that might be fine... but Kyle is skinny... and little. Turns out he has a pituitary growth hormone problem. He hardly produces any. So, now he is about a foot shorter than kids his own age. He looks like a kindergartener, but he is in third grade. It's starting to play on his mind.
I figured we can try to sort out his medical issues this year and and see where this goes. I admit that sometimes I am overwhelmed with the actual workings of homeschooling - and I fight to keep him excited and motivated about learning. But, he will only be a kid for a short while, and I want him to feel good about himself and life before he gets dragged down in the reality of growing older and all of the responsibility that goes with it.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Geezy Peezy - now I've lost two more months!

Life has a way of sneaking up on me. One thing after another and next thing you know... kaplowy! Just another series of events to deal with and then, you shift your way of thinking. Months seem to fade into each other. Then, years do the same.

Today I am 45 years old. God, that sounds so old! I hate, hate, hate it! This is really the first year that I feel my age. And let me tell you, it doesn't feel good. But, I am still here, plugging along. I guess I need to be gracious and thank God that I have a wonderful husband, great kids and a very good life. But there is still a part of me that is the whiny little kid that wants to scream, "It isn't fair!" Why do I have to get wrinkles and flabby arms? Why do my bones ache and my back hurts? Why do I have to hold any written word 3 feet away from my face, under a very bright light in order to see anything? Whine, whine, whine!

Time to stop the pitty party!

Over the years I have at least learned a few things:
  1. Be grateful for what you have. It could all be gone in a flash - appreciate it while you can.
  2. Even the worst challenges in life teach us something good. Embrace the bad and the good. It's all part of living.
  3. Having children forever changes your perspective on living. Nothing is about you anymore - it's all for the kids. And this is awesome! It shifts your way of looking at things.
  4. Be brave. (To quote my high school yearbook...) "Go forth and do great things"... and don't be afraid to try. You just might surprise yourself at what you are able to accomplish.
  5. Kill them with kindness. Be nice to everyone - it throws people off guard. And, it makes you feel better about yourself.
  6. Laugh! Laugh at life! Laugh at yourself! Laugh for no good reason! Laugh when you feel like crying. There is always someone in our life that can make us laugh. Call them, now! I mean it! 
  7. Slow down. Take a deep breath. Regroup. Move along.
  8. You won't be able to please everyone all of the time... you can try, but you will get awfully tired trying to juggle it all. Sometimes you just need to let a few things go. In my case, this is usually housework. Much to my husband's dislike :) Hee hee.
  9. Be creative every day. It doesn't matter what it is... just make something, anything - a craft, a new recipe, a journal entry - anything at it. It keeps your mind active and your spirit intact.
  10. You can't change anybody else. Worry about your own morals and ideals - people will do what they want to do, regardless of you. And you can't change any of it. If you don't like it, tough tooties! No amount of prodding from you will change them. Don't waste your energy!
I'd like to thing that I have a grasp on life. But I know that I probably have it all wrong - and something will slap me upside the head to make me realize it sooner or later. Hopefully I can figure it all out before I lose more time and my body completely falls apart with old age.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Chess Club

My husband is teaching my son how to play chess. My son is eight and has really picked up on the "strategy" part of the game. Doesn't really surprise me though. Kyle has always been a deep thinker. He did not acquire the ability to speak until well after his 1 1/2 year old birthday. He didn't need to... he was always able to work everyone in the room to get what he wanted, without ever saying a word. We got so freaked by this that we started teaching him sign language. Like everything else, the words eventually came. Now we can't shut him up!

Kyle is a very smart kid - very fast with a comeback and clever in his thoughts. Chess is the perfect game for him. It requires him to slow down and take the time to think things through. And, I love the time the two of them spend together.

I, on the other hand am not a chess player. Nothing about the game fascinates me... I can always think of four-thousand other things that I would rather do than learn to play chess. I know it would do me good to slow down and think things through, though. (wow, that was a lot of "th's")
Naw, who am I kidding - no chess for me! I'll just sit back and watch.

Oh, that is not an evil demon lurking in the shadows behind the chess action - it's just one of our dogs having a look-see.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

What happened to November, or October for that matter?!

Boy, time flies! Never really believed it as a kid, but whew baby! Time is booking out of the room as fast as a blink! I don't think I actually remember any of November. The entire month, just gone! And no, I was not on some psycho, drug induced trip that took me away. Life just happens, and chores get done. Kids are fed and the house gets dusted (occasionally). Emotionally it was just a bad month. My oldest son had been in the hospital for the entire month of October - another month that just disappeared. We spent November regrouping. Now there are a few changes around this house...

I am homeschooling my youngest! There, I've said it! I am not a weirdo... don't do the "my child will learn when he wants to" thing. We have structure and a relaxed routine - I've taken him off his ADHD medication so things get a bit wild at times. But, I really do enjoy it. And, he is really happy. He loves his mommy time. That said, it is a ton of work!! I'm really putting the pressure on myself to make this all successful. So, I am stressed! But, I think we will get the hang of it eventually. Like all things in life - just takes a little getting used it.

My oldest son is home from the hospital and doing well. Got his g-tube thingy switched out to a different type of tube and miracle of miracle - his g-tube site looks so much better! Still messing around with the feeding pump - but it's working and he seems happy - so I can't complain!

The girls are constantly locked in their rooms texting and instagramming and tumblering (could that be a new word?) and tweeting. Technology is a bit frightening when you're a parent! But, it also opens our kids up to worlds we never even knew existed. That can be good or bad... just makes parenting a lot more difficult these days. Listen to me, I sound like an old lady... "Those damn kids!"

Not much time to "handcraft" these days... but, I'll get there! Making a boatload of cookies for Christmas right now. I'll let you know how they come out!

I just hope that I don't lose December!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Oh, the great expanse of time called Summer! The kids are all home from school and I've been trying to keep everyone busy - and not pull my hair out! We've been painting walls and bits of furniture - and making woven potholders - Ahh the joys of childhood!

We just got home from a lovely vacation in Hilton Head - and after a bit of relaxation in the sun I'm trying to catch up on a few outstanding projects...

I'm just finishing up a T-shirt quilt for my niece. She's heading off to college in a few weeks and I need to get this completed and shipped! I just need to piece the backing, sandwich it all together and add a few ribbons and buttons - then this puppy is complete!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Aladdin Costumes!

I've been very busy of the last six months creating costumes for Bridgewater Middle School's production of Aladdin! I am official OCPS vendor now! I had the honor to design and create (sew, sew, sew)  all of the costumes for the principal cast as well as a couple of ensemble groups. Take a peek at the photos...


 Aladdin and Jasmine...

Sultan and Guards...

Sultan and Mrs. Sultan with Jasmine...

Genie, Aladdin and Jasmine...


Genie Dancers...


It was a great experience and I felt like a proud mamma on show night. The kids all looked so great and seem to appreciate the effort I put into each costume. It was a nice feeling to see all of my hard work come together in such a well directed  and talented production!